Collection: Artisan Handmade Soap

Only the BEST Ingredients are used when creating our beautiful Artisan Handcrafted Soaps and Lotions.  We spare nothing to bring our Customers the highest QUALITY Soap Bars, Lotions, Balms and Bath Products. 

Today, Commercial product standards and GREED have reduced goods to the lowest degree, in our time.  Ingredients, listed on even the most trusted hygiene & skin-care products today, are unpronounceable CHEMICALS.  This was NOT the case 100 years ago!  Our food was pure and so was our soap.  But today, the corporations that claim to have the CURE, are the same ones selling the disease.  The near plague of Pimples, Acne, Rosacea and serious skin problems are frighteningly common, and it has those same people HIDING, ashamed and frustrated, feeling they are ugly and ALONE. Our Teenagers and Adults alike, have unknowingly sought comfort and answers to the causes of their horrible skin conditions in even MORE chemicals.

Many sufferers have even cut numerous foods & medicines out of their diets believing that They are the cause of their Problems.  Wait a moment!  Perhaps it's not always what we put IN our bodies, but what we put ON our bodies.....

Even the most trusted SOAPS today, are made from chemical’s instead of good, pure oils, fats and butters found in NATURE!  When we Buy and Use a “trusted soap product,” a slippery, slimy residue is left behind, regardless of how much we try to rinse it off!  We have become so accustomed to that chemical SLIME that we even IGNORE it, as though it was NORMAL.  Usually, we tend to blame the quality of our water! However, everything we put on our skin is absorbed INTO our bodies and those chemical RESIDUES are DISRUPTING our HORMONES.   NO CHEMICALS should ever be used on that delicate and largest organ of our BODY, Our SKIN! 
We challenge you to research this fact for yourselves.  there’s no reason to believe everything we read, unless we see and find the Truth, for ourselves.  It sticks in our minds longer when we see the Facts.

Millie&Rufus create our Products with the Highest Standards Possible.  We strive to help everyone, the Natural way, by carefully formulating our products with the PUREST, Highest Quality and Simplest Ingredients.  

Our grand-parents made Soap with pure, home rendered fats & Natural Oils or were able to Store-buy pure bath-soaps. Acne and Pimples were literally non-existent!  Have you ever asked yourself, ’Why?’  People today are even afraid to really CLEAN their skin, and their PORES are plugged with pollution and sebum.  Scrubbing one’s facial pores will lead to a disaster!  We’ve grown accustomed to being afraid of soap and it’s awfully harsh affect of stripping our upper-dermal layer completely off.

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